Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Right now...

right now, I am...
:: feeling so exhausted from my toddler, yet I want to run around the block at how happy I am with my new bundle of joy!
:: healing easily with my labor..
:: holding little baby junior.
:: making peace with my life :)
:: remembering the days before temper tantrums.
:: marvelling how tiny her fingernails are.
:: smelling baby poopoo and breastmilk.
:: hearing the sound of her little baby breath. 
:: wondering how it's possible I love her this much.
:: relishing every single second.
:: hoping time doesn't fly past me too quickly, like it always does.
:: preparing plans for Arrolyn and Fawn.

Everly Fawn: 5/26/11

She is finally here. I say this as my one and a half year old is screaming her head off in her crib, not wanting to go to bed. She's been in there for an hour crying off and on. She's not adjusting as well as I thought she would. The temper tamptrums have come out in full force.
We are so in love. I have been waiting forever for her, and when I saw her face she looked so familiar to me. It was as if I had always had her and from that second on I can't imagine her not being in my arms. She's perfect. She seems so frail compared to how Arrolyn was. Her little legs are my favorite. I can't wait to spend forever with her.

Birth Story:
I decided to induce at 39 weeks because she was scaling on the large size, and I didn't want another baby as chunky as Arrolyn. I arrived at the hospital at 6 am. We got pitocin going, and then I felt two contractions, and got an epidural. From then on I was in labor until 6PM when it was time to push. I felt no pain during active labor, although I couldn't feel my legs at all, which scared me. When it came time to push, I pushed for 30 minutes and she was out. Perfect little pink baby. This labor was a lot easier, practically pain-free. I can't believe it's over already. I can hear her waking up as we speak so I must be off!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

She is here!

Everly Fawn arrived Thursday night at 5:45, all 8lbs of her. She is beautiful and gave me a not quite as tramatic delivery as I expected haha. I want to update more, but I have to cherish every single second of her, for the time passes too quickly. Everytime I look at her I want to cry, the love I feel is overwhelming.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My world one year ago...

Random collection of photos from last year in this month.

We went to lots of festivals that month, we cooked good food, and mostly just basked in our babies glow. I look at these pictures and can not believe how fast she is growing up. In 2 days we will have another little nugget!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Last pregnancy pics. 38 Weeks.

Our garden this month.

Snapdragons are my favorite flower! I forgot the name of the pink, yellow and red one but it's growing nicely. That's some catnip I tried to grow from seed. And the potted one on the ground is hibiscus. (My other favorite) I just potted that the other day.

Marigolds & Petunias. And baby pool toys. 

Hibiscus, Honeysuckle, Hibiscus, two different kinds of roses (Clearly not in bloom yet) and our new herb garden.

Our poor backyard won't grow grass =(

We have lemon mint, basil, oregano, tosemary, garlic chives, mint, and the top left is a new lemon cherry tree we planted.

Orange gerbera daisy plant, and some sad flowers I tried to grow from seed.

Ryan's three pepper plants.

Cataloupe and cucumber plant.

Tomato plant, strawberry plant, and a grape tree.

Sassy girl.

Silly girl.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Week by Week. #1

Having a nice Mexican dinner outside on Cinco de Mayo.

My little songbird and her new keyboard her daddy bought her. 

Fell right asleep.

Our garden bed Ryan built recently. It's since been planted with herbs, I'll post pics soon.

Ryan and Arrolyn hanging out at our friends pool.

At a baby shower.

Making forts with Ryan

Our new favorite place: The Monkey Room..an indoor playground.

I could actually read a magazine there.

Playing in the toddler section.

A little girl let her play with her Barbies.

At the Louisiana Children's Museum.

Our new baby chicks arrived!

Jazz fest Pt. 2

Whoa check that diaper!